Thursday, February 14, 2013

Last semester of Senior year...

I am a horrible blogger! I post things, decide I don't like them, and then I delete them! So here goes for another attempt to get into using my blog!

I am in my last semester of High School! Senior year has been flying by! Just yesterday it seems like was the day that I got the texts book out to just begin. These past months of first semester and beginning of second (and the last) semester have been busy. Full of repetition yet also made exciting with many amazing adventures! Great time spent with family and friends! Many opportunities to serve at church and other places. I am also in preparation to head to South Africa on a missions trip with a group of 10 others from my church! It's been a great learning experience Thus far and cannot wait to see how God shall continues to work through me!

Short & Sweet with hopefully more to come!

Fun Fact about me!? I really like chocolate covered Coffee Beans! =)

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