Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sept. 3rd - Temporary Escape!

The other night I drove out of town down a gravel road. No city noises in ear shot & only a small few city lights could be seen in the distance behind me! I pulled into a raised section of the ditch (the accesses spot to one of the many crop fields in the area) & climbed my way onto the roof of my vehicle! Once there I sat & watched the sun set! I also worked on my Romans study! It was a very nice peaceful time watching God's amazing creation in such vivid color while also studding His amazing gift of His written word! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"Finding peace in God's sovereignty"

A while back a good freind of mine told me something while I was struggling with things that had and where happening in and around my life. He said, "Find peace in God's sovereignty. None of this happened by mistake. If you try to make sense of this apart from simply God's sovereignty, you won't find peace." He then recommended that I looked up Phil. 4:6-7. The verses he referenced say, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 

My friends words where encouraging but when backed up with scripture there was more weight to those same words! There are so many things that we don't understand about life. By God's mercy & grace we learn, grow, and develope into a higher understanding of them. A higher understanding of our world, our life, our purpose, and so forth! Most importantly however is the greater understanding gained about God and His plan for our lives!

In life there is always going to be things we don't understand. We are going to lose that peace that is gifted to us by pulling away our trust in the one who provides the peace! If we do not trust Christ with our daily life then we lose perspective of what is important and that our Savior's always there for us arms out wide for protection and peace! He makes no mistakes!